The primary scope of Outreach Committee (OC) is to reach out the Muslim community following the sunnah of our beloved Prophet, to make alliances and forge good relationships with non-Muslims and to take care of our neighbors.
The second purpose of outreach is to dispel any negative perception in other people’s minds by showing real Muslim values, behavior and compassion as ordered by Allah and his Rasool Muhammad SAW.
UMA Outreach EventUMA participated in an event to support Asian American Center of Frederick.
Posted by Urbana Muslim Association on Thursday, March 25, 2021
Social work: to reach out to the people in need outside the Muslim community. This will include Urbana food bank, soup kitchen, and people affected by natural and man-made calamities. This year we will be spending funds to the font line people fighting the COVID 19 pandemic and people affected by it, among other.
Interfaith engagement: We will reach out and build alliances with other faith groups and institutions. This will include meeting with them and learning about common goals in serving Frederick community, engaging their and our youth, introducing, inviting and educating them to our Islamic occasions and traditions.
Civic Engagement: We will engage and collaborate with organizations and communities which are not Faith based such as schools, police, Fire departments, Libraries, Hospitals, and other non-religious welfare and social organizations. This also involves engagement with elected officials and representatives in our area and county. Although as non-profit 501c3 organizations we cannot endorse a political party or candidate but voter registration and informing our community of the election choices available will also be part of our activities.
- Provided lunch to some nurses staff members of Frederick Hospital
- Provided appreciation breakfast to:
- Urbana Firehouse
- Multiple Post offices
- Frederick Hospital ER staff
- Stitch 35 gowns and provided to Frederick Hospital
- Stitch masks and provided to Frederick Hospital
- Provided meal for 50 people to Urbana Food bank