Assalamu Alaykum!
Update November 17, 2023: Alhamdulillah, UMA has closed on the land. We are now moving towards land development and have engaged Civil Engineers to present a Land Development Plan to the county. Please continue to make dua for the success of the project. Jazak Allah Khair for your continued support.
October 11, 2023: As you are aware, the Frederick County Planning Commission held a public meeting this afternoon to consider the site plan for the UMA Center Campus project. Alhamdulillah, after considering all the details and hearing from the public, the Planning Commission voted to unanimously approve the masjid and community center site plan in accordance with the County Planning Staff’s recommendations!
By the grace of Allah, the project can now move forward into the next phase. We thank the community for all of your support thus far. Without your generous contributions and prayers, this project would not have been able to move forward. The Planning Commission received 57 emails from our community in support of the project and we are thankful for your effort in reaching out in such numbers. We also had more than a dozen community members present at the Public Meeting, with many members opting to make public comments in support of the project. The result was that the Planning Commission was impressed with the project and provided their approval.
Next Steps
Inshallah, once we receive written approval of the site plan in the next several days, our plan is to move forward with closing on the land purchase by the November timeframe. After closing on the land, we will move into planning for land development and eventually for the building itself. Please continue to provide generous support for the project and make dua’ for its success. We look forward to a bright future with a masjid and community center that our community can call its own.
Our proposed center was also mentioned in the local news: